Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pierre Rameau Artifacts

This is one out of two books that I had published about dance. The cover is very simple with a light red design going through the middle of the book cover. “The Dancing Masters” is about all the technical things that are involved in ballet. It also explains the dance notation system, which is a method where you could learn fashionable dances. (cite:
 This is a picture of me when I was fairly young and during my dancing days. I had long curly hair that always got in the way when I danced! My face is expressed as very pleasant because I was a happy guy! (cite:
This is a page from my book, almost all the pages were written like this. They occasionally had an illustration of either dance positions or how to execute the steps. (cite:
This is a picture of me and my partner Elisabetta Farnese. This is one of our most popular pictures together. It shows the beginning right before our dance was about to begin. We had always worked well together. (
This is picture of the ballroom me and my partner had danced in. We always had a huge audience, and as you can see everybody who was watching had been standing around us in a circular way and not so much sitting down like how you see ballets now a days. (cite:
This is a sheet of music that I had danced to and I had put in my books that I had published. It wasn’t as long of a piece that I would usually had danced to. I really like this piece of music! It is very pretty to partner with and it spoke to me at the time. (cite:
These are dance positions I had drawn and they are displayed in my book because they show the technical steps of ballet and how to execute them properly. These have been used for generations because they are so helpful to ballet dancers today. I personally would use these pictures and descriptions every time I dance because it helps me to remember how to use my technic to make my dancing cleaner. (cite:

This is a drawing of me during my dance career. I’m currently in the fifth position of ballet technic. There are six positions, and my arms are in neutral. Fifth position is the most common used steps that’s why I have this picture show because it is used so much in the ballet world. This picture is on page 20 of my book. (
This picture is also displayed in my book. These drawings are the basic arm positions in ballet and ballroom. They use these positions to partner a girl. I had to be pretty muscular at times because when I had to lift girls it made me stronger. In the second picture the girls would wrap their arms over top and we would walk and then start our dance. (cite;
This last picture is a magazine article of my partner I had danced with for most of my dance career. She is very elegant and she has the same dress on as we had partnered in. I thought this cover was very interesting and detailed. It isn’t of me but it shows my partner’s beauty and she was a big part of my life. (cite:

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